2013年9月—2018年3月,东华大学, 纺织材料与纺织品设计, 博士(导师:靳向煜)
2009年9月—2013年7月,大连工业大学, 纺织工程, 学士(导师:王迎)
2020年6月—至今, 西安工程大学 职称:校聘副教授
2018年4月—2020年5月, 江南大学 职称:助理研究员
2016年11月—2017年5月,内布拉斯加大学医学中心 职称:访问学者
(1)Weng, L.;Zhang, X.*;Recycling of polyester wastes with bio-based alginate fiber into fire-safety composite,Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2023, 217: 110519.
(2)Weng, L.;Zhang, X.*;Fully bio-based fire safety composite from cotton/viscose wastes and alginate fiber as furniture materials,Waste Management, 2023, 168: 137-145.
(3)Zhang, X.;Wang, Q.; Fan, W.;et al; Doped CNC-Na2CO3reinforcing alginate bio-based fiber as fire-safety composite applied in the household textile, Composites Communications,2023, 37: 101435.
(4)Weng, L.;Zhang, X.*; In Situ Generating CaCO3Nanoparticles Reinforced Nonflammable Calcium Alginate Biocomposite Fiber, Langmuir, 2022, 38(41): 12491-12498.
(5)Zhang, X.;Yang, J.; Fan, W.;et al;Enhanced mechanical performance of cellulose nanocrystal doped eco-friendly calcium-alginate based bio-composite fiber with superior flame retardancy, Textile Research Journal, 2022, 92(11-12): 004051752110733.
(6)Zhang, X.; Wang, X.; Fan, W.;et al; Fabrication, Propertyand Application of Calcium Alginate Fiber: A Review, Polymers, 2022, 14(15): 3227-3227
(7)Fan, W.;Zhang, G.;Zhang, X.;et al; . Superior unidirectional water transport and mechanically stable 3D orthogonal woven fabric for human body moisture and thermal management. Small, 2022. 2022. 18(10): 2107150-2107150.
(8)Wang, S.;Zhang, T.;Zhang, X.;. Development of 3D needled composite from denim waste and polypropylene fibers for structural applications. Construction and Building Materials, 2022; 314: 125583.
(9) Weng, L.;Zhang, X.*; Fan, W.;et al; Development of the inorganic nanoparticles reinforced alginate-based hybrid fiber for wound care and healing, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2021, 138(42): 0-e51228.
(10)Zhang, X.; Wang, L.;Li, D.;et al; Strontium ion substituted alginate-based hydrogel fibers and its coordination binding model, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020, 137(16).
(11)Zhang, X.; Wang, L.;Li, D.;et al; ; Facile fabrication and characterization on alginate microfibres with grooved structure via microfluidic spinning, Royal Society Open Science, 2019, 6(5).
(12)Zhang, X.;Zhao, Y.;Huang, C.;et al; Preparation and characterization of nanoparticle reinforced alginate fibers with high porosity for potential wound dressing application, RSC Advances, 2017, 7(62): 39349-39358.
(13)Zhang, X.;Zhao, Y.;Huang, C.;et al; Ampicillin-incorporated alginate-chitosan fibers from microfluidic spinning and for vitro release. Journal of Biomaterials Science Polymer Edition, 2017, 13(28):1408-1425.
(14)Zhang, X.;Huang, C.;Jiang, X.; Influence of K+ and Na+ ions on the degradation of wet-spun alginate fibers for tissue engineering. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016, 134(2): 1-8.
(15)张小林,王兰兰,邓炳耀.海藻酸盐医用材料的制备技术及应用现状.棉纺织技术, 2019, 47(04): 75-80.
(16)张小林,黄晨,靳向煜.微流纺海藻酸盐基纤维敷料的制备及其性能.纺织学报, 2018, 5(39):1-7.
(17)张小林,黄晨,靳向煜.海藻酸盐-壳聚糖/羟基磷灰石复合纤维敷料的制备及性能.东华大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 6(44):881-888.
(1)陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,环境友好型海藻酸钙生物基纤维织物的原位增强与多尺度阻燃机理研究(2024JC-YBQN-0533),2024-01至2025-12, 5万元,在研,主持
(5)陕西省教育厅,陕西省教育厅科研计划立项项目(自然科学类),原位增强海藻酸钙纤维织物多尺度阻燃机理及其应用研究(22JK0402), 2022-01至2023-12, 2万元,在研,主持
(6)西安工程大学,博士科研启动项目,内嵌PLA-TPU纳米螺旋纤维的海藻酸盐基复合纤维制备及其性能研究(107020553), 2020-06至2023-06, 8万元,在研,主持
(7)咸阳市科技局,重点研发计划,三维针刺碳/陶复合材料刹车盘异常振动问题分析及其优化策略( 2021ZDYF-GY-0035), 2021-08至2022-12, 3万元,在研,参与
基纤维构建及其降解性能(2021022), 2021-01至2024-12,自筹,在研,主持
(9)江苏省人力资源和社会保障厅,江苏省博士后科研资助项目,基于微流纺的海藻酸盐医卫材料的研制及性能和工程化研究(2018K036B), 2018-06至2020-05, 5万元,结题,主持