姓 名:范星宇
职 称:校聘副教授
手 机:13572458052
◆ 研究方向
◆ 基本情况
范星宇,女,陕西省西安市人,1990年12月出生,校聘副教授,硕士生导师。2012年毕业于西安交通大学材料科学与工程专业,获学士学位;2014年毕业于西安交通大学材料工程专业,获工程硕士学位;2019年毕业于西安交通大学材料学专业,获博士学位。毕业后工作于西安工程大学,现在主要从事高性能无机纤维的制备与无机涂层材料研究工作。近年来以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Journal of the American Ceramic Society、Journal of the European Ceramic Society、Ceramics International等国际知名SCI期刊上发表论文7篇,EI期刊上发表论文1篇。先后为本科生担任《针织学》、《纺织材料学》课程助教;主讲《纺织服装概论》。近年来主持科研项目4项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。
◆ 学术情况
(1)Xingyu Fan, Runjun Sun, Jie Dong, et al. Influence of metallic oxide additives on the synthesis and high-temperature dielectric properties ofβ-Yb2Si2O7,《Ceramics International》,2021,SCI(一区);
(2)Xingyu Fan, Runjun Sun, Jie Dong, et al. Effects of sintering additives on hot corrosion behavior of γ-Y2Si2O7ceramics in Na2SO4+V2O5molten salt,《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》,2021,SCI(一区);
(3)Xingyu Fan, Runjun Sun, Jie Dong, et al. Fabrication and thermal shock behavior of Si3N4whiskers toughened γ-Y2Si2O7coating on porous Si3N4ceramics,《Ceramics International》,2020,SCI(一区);
(4)Xingyu Fan, Hongjie Wang, Min Niu, et al. Thermal shock resistance of γ-Y2Si2O7/Y2O3-Al2O3-SiO2coating for porous Si3N4ceramics,《Surface & Coatings Technology》,2019,SCI(三区);
(5)Xingyu Fan, Hongjie Wang, Min Niu, et al. Experiments and transient finite element simulation of γ-Y2Si2O7/B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2glass coating on porous Si3N4substrate under thermal shock,《Ceramics International》,2018,SCI(一区);
(6)Xingyu Fan, Hongjie Wang, Min Niu, et al. Influence of sintering additives on densification kinetics and high-temperature strength in γ-Y2Si2O7ceramics,《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》,2017,SCI(二区);
(7)Xingyu Fan, Hongjie Wang, Min Niu, et al. Effects of different sintering additives on the synthesis of γ-Y2Si2O7powders,《Ceramics International》,2016,SCI(一区);
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姓 名:范星宇
职 称:校聘副教授
手 机:13572458052
◆ 研究方向
◆ 基本情况
范星宇,女,陕西省西安市人,1990年12月出生,校聘副教授,硕士生导师。2012年毕业于西安交通大学材料科学与工程专业,获学士学位;2014年毕业于西安交通大学材料工程专业,获工程硕士学位;2019年毕业于西安交通大学材料学专业,获博士学位。毕业后工作于西安工程大学,现在主要从事高性能无机纤维的制备与无机涂层材料研究工作。近年来以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Journal of the American Ceramic Society、Journal of the European Ceramic Society、Ceramics International等国际知名SCI期刊上发表论文7篇,EI期刊上发表论文1篇。先后为本科生担任《针织学》、《纺织材料学》课程助教;主讲《纺织服装概论》。近年来主持科研项目4项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。
◆ 学术情况
(1)Xingyu Fan, Runjun Sun, Jie Dong, et al. Influence of metallic oxide additives on the synthesis and high-temperature dielectric properties ofβ-Yb2Si2O7,《Ceramics International》,2021,SCI(一区);
(2)Xingyu Fan, Runjun Sun, Jie Dong, et al. Effects of sintering additives on hot corrosion behavior of γ-Y2Si2O7ceramics in Na2SO4+V2O5molten salt,《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》,2021,SCI(一区);
(3)Xingyu Fan, Runjun Sun, Jie Dong, et al. Fabrication and thermal shock behavior of Si3N4whiskers toughened γ-Y2Si2O7coating on porous Si3N4ceramics,《Ceramics International》,2020,SCI(一区);
(4)Xingyu Fan, Hongjie Wang, Min Niu, et al. Thermal shock resistance of γ-Y2Si2O7/Y2O3-Al2O3-SiO2coating for porous Si3N4ceramics,《Surface & Coatings Technology》,2019,SCI(三区);
(5)Xingyu Fan, Hongjie Wang, Min Niu, et al. Experiments and transient finite element simulation of γ-Y2Si2O7/B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2glass coating on porous Si3N4substrate under thermal shock,《Ceramics International》,2018,SCI(一区);
(6)Xingyu Fan, Hongjie Wang, Min Niu, et al. Influence of sintering additives on densification kinetics and high-temperature strength in γ-Y2Si2O7ceramics,《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》,2017,SCI(二区);
(7)Xingyu Fan, Hongjie Wang, Min Niu, et al. Effects of different sintering additives on the synthesis of γ-Y2Si2O7powders,《Ceramics International》,2016,SCI(一区);
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